Libertas Crime in Art Law Expertise Featured in Lawyer Monthly

Published: 2nd March 2023

Felicity Gerry KC and Fahrid Chishty give close attention to new challenges the art world faces amid rising digitalisation and continuing global conflict In Lawyer Monthly this week. ย Their article examines questions of criminal law in the multi-billion-dollar art market in the contexts of digitalisation, trafficking and destruction of cultural heritage. They also explore protocols for high-end art collectors. In addition to their criminal law practices, Felicity has taught Art Law at Deakin University and Fahrid is published in this context in the Cambridge International Law Journal. Felicity is also on the defence team for Mr Al Hassan at the International Criminal Court where some of the charges relate to the alleged destruction of mausolea.

You can read their Lawyer Monthly article here

You can also watch their Libertas Art Law webinar with Dr Jonathan Harris here