Dr Felicity Gerry KC instructed in mercy petition for 2 IPP prisoners

Dr Felicity Gerry KC has assisted in drafting and supported a petition for a conditional pardon for 2 IPP prisoners. The petition was served on the Minister of Justice Alex Chalk MP by Dean Kingham of Rees Thomas Watson solicitors in association with UNGRIPP a campaign group on behalf of those affected by the now abolished and discredited indeterminate sentence for public protection system. The two applications served on 5 July 2023 on behalf of two IPP prisoners still in prison far beyond their original tariff set out requests for conditional pardons. The applications follow the Justice Select Committee’s recommendation to resentence all IPP’s and the more recent motion condemning the UK Government response to the robust JSC report. The Prison Officers Association, the Probation Institute and the British Psychological Society have all spoken about the IPP scandal. The petitions explain why it cannot be right that, having recognised IPP sentences cause psychological harm, no meaningful steps have been taken to address the situation for those affected. The petition calls on the Minister not to permit inhumane and degrading treatment through psychological harm to be caused to the IPP prisoners still in custody. It is submitted that the two applicants can be safely conditionally pardoned which means they remain convicted but can be released recognising that they have been sufficiently punished and thereafter detained beyond the just period of time in conditions that harm their health.

Darren Snow chairs high profile police misconduct tribunal

Darren Snow recently chaired this high-profile police disciplinary tribunal. The panel reached a finding of gross misconduct following a 7 day hearing and a dishonesty finding. They stated that had Ms Lee still been a serving police officer, she would have been dismissed without notice from the police service. Former PC Lee faced charges in respect of breaches of policing standards connected to failures in her initial investigation of an indecent exposure allegation linked to Wayne Couzens, the convicted murderer of Sarah Everard.  This case attracted a lot of Media attention and was widely reported. The indecent exposure allegations against Couzens were made by staff at a McDonalds drive-through, who had witnessed him expose himself on two occasions, had his car on CCTV and had copies of his credit card receipts. Despite that evidence no action was taken to progress the investigation in the days that followed. The final incident occurred only days before Couzens committed the murder of Sarah Everard. Darren has been sitting as legally qualified chair on police misconduct hearings for a number of years. He is a highly respected specialist in professional disciplinary defence work. Darren also sits as a member of the Bars disciplinary tribunal and for several Sports regulators handling a mix of disciplinary and safeguarding work. A sample of the media reports on this case: Former Met Pc guilty of gross misconduct in Wayne Couzens flashing probe | Evening Standard Former Met PC barred from service for life over Wayne Couzens indecent exposure inquiry | Metropolitan police | The Guardian Met PC banned from serving in police after found guilty of gross misconduct in Wayne Couzens probe | ITV News London Wayne Couzens: Ex-Met PC in flashing case guilty of gross misconduct – BBC News