James Doyle


James is a leading junior barrister who has throughout his career acted for the defence.

His practice is focused on

  • business crime,
  • money laundering,
  • confiscation/forfeiture,
  • counterfeiting,
  • homicide,
  • firearms,
  • serious sex crime,
  • substantial drug supply/production,
  • human exploitation, and
  • environmental law offences.

James is an intuitive advocate who can connect with juries. He has developed a keen interest in mental health disorders, recognising that such issues increasingly play a significant part in criminal litigation. He is empathetic and aware of the attention lay clients require during the litigation process.

James has appeared in almost every Crown Court in the jurisdiction of England and Wales. His wealth of experience enables him to deliver consistently positive outcomes for his lay clients.

James holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in International Human Rights.


Civil Fraud

James has been instructed in relation to offences covering the whole range of fraudulent activity-price-fixing, tax, VAT carousel/missing trader, insurance, art, long firm, boiler room, red diesel, mortgage, e-commerce, and miscellaneous commercial frauds.

James was instructed from 2006 to 2009 to act on behalf a director of a multi-national pharmaceutical company charged with price-fixing. The case was the largest SFO prosecution ever litigated at that time.

James has specific expertise concerning money laundering offences. He is fully conversant with the money laundering regulatory regime. In December 2019 at Guildford Crown Court, he secured the acquittal of a well-known professional poker player charged with multi-million money laundering offences. He has represented lay clients in the largest counterfeiting and cannabis production cases prosecuted in the UK.

James has been instructed in numerous murder cases including acting for a Romanian chess champion who was acquitted at the Central Criminal Court.

James was instructed in one of the first major human exploitation cases prosecuted under the Modern-Day Slavery Act. The case received national media attention.

He has been instructed in numerous serious sexual offences, firearms, waste disposal, and drug conspiracy cases.


  • Criminal Bar Association
  • Fraud Lawyers Association
  • Association of Regulatory and Disciplinary Lawyers


Instruct JamesTo instruct James please contact our clerks by phone on +44 (0) 20 7036 0200 or email us at clerks@libertaschambers.com